Mr. Media’s Top 10 Best Interviews of 2014!

Every week, Mr. Media posts lively, thought-provoking, funny and even musical interviews with guests representing a wide spectrum of entertainment, politics, business sports and more. These were simply the very best interviews of 2014!   10. Rock star Graham Parker (April 8, 2014) GRAHAM PARKER podcast excerpt: “I emailed the people in The Rumour and most... Continue Reading →

In the year 2776, honestly, you don’t wanna know! MUSIC VIDEO-INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Rob Kutner, TV writer, "Conan," "2776, with live musical performances by Joel Levinson and Stephen Levinson     Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Conan writer Rob Kutner, who talks about the new futuristical musical 2776, and two live musical performances by Joel Levinson and Stephen Levinson by clicking on the video player above!... Continue Reading →

Humorist Rob Kutner prepares for Apocalypse How! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Rob Kutner, humorist, author, Apocalypse How, comedy writer, "Conan," "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart"   Lots of people talk about the impending End of Days, but how many actually tell you how to prepare for what may come after the end? Oh, really? That many? Hmmm. Okay, how many make you laugh... Continue Reading →

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