American Comic Book Chronicles gets majors, minors right! VIDEO INTERVIEW

    Watch this exclusive Mr. Media® interview with Keith Dallas, editor, American Comic Book Chronicles, by clicking on the video player above!  Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of fanboys who think they know it all about Charlton, Dell, Gold Key, ACG and Harvey comic books but won't until they actually... Continue Reading →

Oh, Baby! Blues cartoonist Rick Kirkman may be year’s best! VIDEO INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Rick Kirkman, cartoonist, "Baby Blues"     You can watch Baby Blues co-creator and 2013 Cartoonist of the Year nominee Rick Kirkman sketch characters from the daily newspaper strip in the exclusive Mr. Media® video interview above!  Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of sleepless, brainless new parents who have... Continue Reading →

Nate Fakes? Only a cartoonist could be named that, right? VIDEO INTERVIEW

    Watch the exclusive Mr. Media interview with Nate Fakes by clicking on the video player above!Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of wannabe cartoonists who all got rejected by newspaper syndicates for being unable to draw or write funny gags day after day after day after day… in the NEW... Continue Reading →

Me Tarzan, You Jane: A centennial book of jungle action! VIDEO INTERVIEW

    Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of athletic young women dressed in skimpy faux animal skins in an effort to play Jane to my Tarzan… in the NEW new media capital of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida! First things first. I may be the only grown man in America who... Continue Reading →

Max Allan Collins on Spillane, Hammer, guns & ‘Seduction’! VIDEO INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Max Allan Collins, novelist, Seduction of the Innocent, Complex 90, Road to Perdition   Watch the Mr. Media interview with detective fiction writer Max Allan Collins, author of 'Seduction of the Innocent' and' 'Complex 90 ' (with Mickey Spillane) by clicking on the video player above!Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio... Continue Reading →

Donald Trump & Butterfly Ballots=David Willson’s Palm Beach! VIDEO INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: David Willson, cartoonist, Palm Beach Daily News     Palm Beach Daily News cartoonist David Willson's work is collected for the first time in Billionaires and Butterfly Ballots. Watch the exclusive Mr. Media interview with Willson by clicking on the video player above!  Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of proud... Continue Reading →

Mark Anderson sells a world of Andertoons for every situation! VIDEO INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Mark Anderson, cartoonist, Andertoons     Watch Mr. Media's video interview with cartoonist Mark Anderson by clicking the video player above!  Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of one-shot cartoon characters just begging Mark Anderson for another shot at fame—or at least, infamy… in the NEW new media capital of... Continue Reading →

Animate This! Cartoonist Lou Scheimer owned Saturday mornings! VIDEO INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Andy Mangels, author of the biography Lou Scheimer: Creating the Filmation Generation.   Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of superheroes, space travelers, Cosby kids and teen-age rock stars… in the NEW new media capital of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida!   I’m nine years old and the most exciting... Continue Reading →

Too much Star Trek? Genre historian Bob Greenberger says no! VIDEO INTERVIEW

    Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of pointy-eared Trekkies – er, Trekkers – er, insufferable geeks who care more about what they’re called than bathing regularly… in the NEW new media capital of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida! Does anybody really believe that the world needs another book about the... Continue Reading →

Gay cartoonist Howard Cruse has many competing sides! VIDEO INTERVIEW

  Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of cartoon characters largely abandoned in the 1970s but praying for a revival any day now… in the NEW new media capital of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida!   My dad once said that nothing bad would ever happen to me because I could always... Continue Reading →

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